Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Magic of Words!!!!

Well this one occured three days back approx.....And for this one I think I need to draw a character sketch of one of my rumy....Well seems to be a tedious task, so lets pull just one shade of her of now....

So this girl named Rashmi....staying with me since 3 Months.....a girl with last minute plans...last minute decisions....and a beautiful combination of innocently bold and beautifuly cute girl(Hyperbole)....I strongly believe this girl should always be accompanying the modern age script writers or dialogue writers....REASON :most of her statements deserve an applaud.....and they are coming out in this world for the first time.....

Even if she abuses you,you cant stop underlining her bluntly spoken truths.....most of them being double entenders or beep beep beep....and wondering at her skills and sometimes wondering why dint you react when she literally slapped you with her words.....or sometimes hitting your head and wondering that she meant something very weird but what....

You just can wonder and surprise yourself with her exceptional communication skills that slaps the listener or the subject without him acknowledging the seriousness....

And I am sure a particular group of people including me would want to develop the vocab like her to be offensive without sounding offensive....and the particular group of people would like to develop vocab like her for handlling such conversations.....

So I think a dictionary made of the words and statements she uses will be very popular, and since she is a factory of the new statements....there will be very frequent updations....and I am sure this one is definitely gonna click as a potential business...any this girl...

Now this girl even after possessing this skill, faces a problem when she has to watch her case of some specific people.....That time she has to do extra efforts to use normal a dictioary to translate her own words in normal language can again be useful...atleast for her...

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