Saturday, April 6, 2013

If loans can be repaid like this

Now for this post I will write a special thanks message for those who read this completely. As I think in terms of practicality its the most wierd idea I can think of, but since I have thought of it I am putting it across.
But remember it may be wierd in terms of practicality but every one of us would love such thing to be there which I term as Loan Insurance.

Now this beautiful imagination happened just a while ago, when my somewhat idle mind suddenly wondered how tissue papers are manufactured, just to check if they can be made from recycled paper or the real pulp is required and more details.

So I googled, how tissue paper is manufactured and thanks to wikipedia got a fair idea on the process but my curiousity made me click another link where an individual claimed how its low investment and high return business.This single claim made all the alarms ringing in my brain and I quicky opened a link that led to the website of National Small Industries Coporation. I browsed through the list of all projects and quickly reached to the a small business plan of toilet paper manufacturing.

And reading the document I discovered the investement requirement of this low investment business...huh INR 70.71 lacs that is for machinery, manpower and other basic cost that may incur.

And I thought if I dream of making money, I should already have it first, and in case I dont have it then an option is loan, now assuming I fulfill all the requirements to avail loan for this business...What if I fail...

Then this beautiful imagination took place...and I think I don't even need to describe my idea further...All I need to say Just Imagine if we can insure the loans we take...

Now I am sure loan insurances are available, they are there..but in a sense I am thinking of I doubt..Now what I am thinking:

1. Its EMI should not even distantly come closer to the emi of actual loan, I can't bear double burden
2. And I should be eligible to avail its benefits if I fail to repay my loan in given time, due to what so ever reason...

Now since you have read this even after an indication in the begining so I am not to be blamed..But yes you deserve a special thanks..So Thank You :-)